Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Small Sacrifices

"Mommy ... why do you have to go to Haiti?," my 7-year-old son tearfully asked the evening before I left. My 11-year old daughter tenderly placed her rosary into the palm of my hand. "Here Mom ... please take my rosary with you on your trip to Haiti," she said. Their comments and gestures really tugged at my heart-strings as I continued to pack my bags for my return trip to Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Afterall, my husband and children mean so much to me and it is hard to leave them. However, as I arrived in Haiti yesterday, I knew I was right where God wanted me to be, and I am prepared to do what God wants me to do this week to serve those in extreme poverty. I can't wait to see what this week will bring. Small sacrifices, but with a huge reward.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Our Whole Team is in Haiti Ready to Serve the Lord!

Dear family and friends, we invite you to follow our trip via this blog, as we discover what the Lord wants us to see, hear and learn this week in Haiti! We are so humbled and honored to be here.

Our team members are: Karen and Laura Failinger, Sue and Gary Sykes, Kristina and Laurene DeMuth, Kristin Pechman, Melissa Carroll, and Tom and Shelley Gacek.

Tomorrow we will be delivering water to the least of these in Cite Soleil, the poorest slum in the western hemisphere. We ask God to keep us safe, and pour his blessings on the beautiful people of Haiti.